The Maldhari community, predominantly residing in the state of Gujarat, has a unique way of addressing its challenges and finding solutions with the support of ‘Maldhari Vikas Sangathan’ which is initiated by MARAG. This is done through the 'Pastoralist Parliament,' also known as the 'Maldhari Sansad. ' Similar in structure to the country's parliament, the Pastoralist Parliament provides a platform for representatives from different districts of Gujarat to engage in discussions, ask questions and collectively address issues faced by the community. This article delves into the significance and impact of the 11th Maldhari Sansad held on June 25, 2023, in Patdi, Surendranagar, Gujarat.
Patdi, situated near the LRK (Little Rann of Kutch), has been strategically chosen as a central meeting point for pastoralists from various regions. This decision is rooted in our commitment to promote the identity and visibility of the KHARAPAT pastoralist community, which encompasses the LRK area. Geographically, Patdi's proximity to LRK allows for inclusive participation of pastoralists from this region, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. By converging here, pastoralists can collectively amplify voices, strengthen the cultural heritage and collaboratively address challenges specific to the pastoral way of life.
The 11th Maldhari Sansad
The 11th Maldhari Sansad, which took place on June 25, 2023, marked a decade of empowering the Maldhari community.Before 2019, ten parliamentary sessions had taken place; however, after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, further parliamentary activities were carried out. The event witnessed extensive participation from various segments of the Maldhari community, transcending party, sect, region and religious differences to strengthen communal harmony which is witnessed by over 300 pastoralists. The objective of this parliamentary-style gathering was to address challenges faced by the community and devise effective strategies for the future. Notably, the discussions encompassed issues concerning females and youth within the community.
Participation and Collaboration
The strength of the Maldhari Sansad lies in the active participation of people from diverse backgrounds. Representatives from ten districts within Gujarat and two neighbouring states convened at Patdi to discuss and implement solutions to the community's concerns. This inclusive approach amplifies the significance of collaborative endeavours, making the Pastoralist Parliament a prime example of community empowerment and ownership.
Preservation of Cultural Heritage
One of the primary objectives of the Pastoralist Parliament is to empower the pastoralist community to preserve its rich cultural heritage. As a community deeply connected to their traditional way of life, it is essential to ensure that their customs, rituals, and knowledge are passed down to future generations. By providing a platform for dialogue, the Maldhari Sansad plays a vital role in safeguarding the cultural identity of the community.
Improving Socio-Economic Conditions
Socio-economic upliftment is a pressing concern for the Maldhari community. The Pastoralist Parliament aims to address this by discussing and implementing measures to improve the living conditions and economic opportunities available to pastoralists. This includes initiatives to measure and protect the gauchar land (grazing land) of villages and empowering pastoralists with farmer identification. The event also called for the regulation and empowerment of Gopalak Mandalis, pastoralist associations responsible for managing herds of cattle.
Political Representation
To ensure that the concerns and aspirations of the Maldhari community are adequately represented at the national level, the Pastoralist Parliament outlined specific political demands. Moreover, the event proposed celebrating the year 2026 as the International "Chariyan & Maldhari" year across the globe, which is under IYRP (International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists) a declaration endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
Commitment and Dedication
The success of the Pastoralist Parliament can be attributed to the commitment and dedication of its participants. Notably, attendees willingly covered their own expenses for accommodation, travel, and food, reflecting their genuine interest and engagement in the event. Additionally, the organization of the gathering was facilitated by the youth, further highlighting the community's effort to sustain and strengthen their cultural practices and values.
The Maldhari Sansad, or Pastoralist Parliament, organized and supported by the ‘Maldhari Vikas Sangathan’ serves as a beacon of hope and unity for the Maldhari community. Through this platform, community members come together to address their challenges, foster harmony and advocate for their rights and well-being. The collective efforts of the Maldhari people not only preserve their rich cultural heritage but also pave the way for a better and more inclusive future.